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Harrisburg Construction Spotlight

6/6/2024 (Permalink)

In today's blog, we’re spotlighting an integral part of SERVPRO Team Wall, the Harrisburg West Construction team, headed by Construction Operations Manager Jon Blakeslee. Composed of in-house crews of carpenters, crew members, project managers, the coordinator, admin, and estimator, the Harrisburg West Construction team draws on the expertise of many team members to operate on a daily basis.

An average day for the Harrisburg West Construction team begins at 7:30 a.m. with a full-team meeting, discussing the events of the day ahead and any challenges that might present themselves. On the job site, team members do everything from drywall work and painting to tilework, light plumbing, and installing kitchens, with the ultimate goal of keeping customers happy. Communication with customers is a top priority for the Harrisburg West Construction team, and they make certain to keep customers up to date on progress throughout the job process. Customers know they’re in good hands when the SERVPRO of Harrisburg West Construction team handles the job.

Currently, the team is in the process of completing work on a house fire. To get the job done, the team was hard at work replacing the roof of the home, removing drywall inside, and sealing. The customers were living in an apartment while their home was being restored, so the team had to work efficiently, with the goal of getting the homeowners back into their home in a safe and timely manner.

Looking ahead, a top goal for the team is to smooth the transition from mitigation to construction, decreasing the waiting time for the customer between the time of their loss and when the team can begin work on the job site. While there are many moving pieces, Construction Operations Manager Jon Blakeslee believes, “that’s where fine-tuning the construction coordinator role has really helped us create a smoother process for our customers.”

For Jon, his favorite part of the job is sharing the finished product with customers and “getting to watch customers get back into their house and live a normal life again. It’s a very emotional experience for these customers and, for us, it’s our day-to-day. It’s being able to present them with the finished product and restoring their peace of mind.”

SERVPRO of Chantilly is prepared to help with whatever life throws your way. Learn more about our Construction and Remodeling Services on our website or give us a call at (703) 829-7805.

Team Wall's Key Initiatives for 2024

3/12/2024 (Permalink)

Reflecting on 2023, owner Jim Wall says, "It was a year of positive change and growth. We had a successful year and we grew but it was not without obstacles." The past year wasn’t without its hardships, but SERVPRO Team Wall ultimately persevered forward. Jim remarks, "2023 required a significant amount of time creating, developing, documenting, and implementing processes." These processes will result in increased accountability and measurement of performance, allowing greater insight into the team’s performance and the ability to identify areas of improvement. Moving forward into 2024, Team Wall has its sights set on four key initiatives: emphasizing team, improving the customer service experience, refusing to accept mediocrity, and increasing profit to reinvest in the company’s growth.

Prioritizing Team

Embracing the "one team" mentality, regardless of individual office or department, will lead to success. Jim likens the "one team" mentality to rowing. He says, "We need all people rowing in the same direction and at the same time. If we’re able to work together and focus our efforts, there really isn’t anything we can’t achieve." He identifies collaborative problem-solving in place of departmental problem-solving as one way in which we can place a stronger emphasis on team in 2024.

Strengthening the Customer Service Experience

Customer service is present in all aspects of what SERVPRO Team Wall does on a daily basis and lasts through the entire lifecycle of the job. It is important to remember that it’s the same for many other companies. "There are many people who do what we do, but we can distinguish ourselves through excellent customer service," Jim remarks. But what makes a customer service experience with SERVPRO Team Wall stand out? "Everyone has a role in the customer service experience. It’s not just the crew chief and the production team. It’s the person who answers the phone. It’s the person who’s out in the field. We all have a role in making the customer service experience exceptional. We can distinguish ourselves by providing first-class experiences to our customers," he says. Team Wall always strives for the best possible customer service experiences, but we are always looking for ways to be better. One such way is refusing to accept mediocrity.

Excellence Over Mediocrity

"Many people accept mediocrity. We need to constantly be looking for ways to be better," Jim explains. He points to the use of technology, improving speed, and constantly self-evaluating as ways in which Team Wall can identify areas to improve upon. "It’s easy to settle for what we’ve done in the past," Jim admits, "but there’s always someone right behind us, looking to beat us." Being aware of where we need to improve, as well as understanding how to improve, are key to pushing past mediocrity. "If we have high standards and demand excellence of ourselves, it’s not that difficult to achieve excellence."

Reinvesting in the Company

Last but not least, Team Wall is always committed to increasing profit because, without profit, there is no company. Heading into 2024, Jim states that "we need to consider the financial implication of every decision we make." He continues, "things should be done for the good of the customer and the good of the company alike." Reinvesting in the company is essential to its continued growth and success.

Emphasizing team, striving for exceptional customer experiences, leaving mediocrity in the dust, and ensuring the future success of the company through continued growth in profit, SERVPRO Team Wall has a bright 2024 ahead.

Curious as to what SERVPRO of Chantilly can do for your home or business in 2024? Give us a call at (703) 830-5800 and check out some of our testimonials.

Spotlight: Intake Team

3/12/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Team Wall would like to spotlight the centralized Intake Team, led by Intake Operations Manager Kristen Kuser. The intake team is the very first line of contact for our customers when they call SERVPRO Team Wall. While they mainly handle customer calls, the intake team also speaks with adjustors and sometime even corporate. Listening to customers’ needs and determining what SERVPRO Team Wall can do for them, the intake team is responsible for setting up jobs and estimates.

The small but mighty and growing intake team is relatively new, having formed only five months ago. Formerly, the team was made up of localized office teams. Now, the intake team is centralized, taking calls for all offices. Hope Schofield serves as the Intake Lead. Additionally, there is an Intake Coordinator for each local office: Jessica Roberts for Hunt Valley and Harford County, Joanna Broyan for Harrisburg West, Bonnie Kent for Metro Pittsburgh East, and Brian Bui for Chantilly. Much of the team members’ days are spent communicating via Microsoft Teams, as the team has an active dialogue due to their need for constant communication throughout the day.

A typical day for the intake team includes the daily Work in Progress (WIP) meeting, reviewing the schedule for the day. They also utilize WorkCenter and Service Fusion (a service and dispatching app) to create job files and put jobs on the calendar for crews. After an already busy workday, the intake team and the mitigation administrative team work together as the on-call team for administration, available to customers 24/7, often answering the phone to frantic, after-hours customer calls when a water heater bursts at 3 A.M. With a job that is equal parts customer service and counseling, according to Kristen, who has a background in studying psychology, the team members are experts in keeping a level head while calming customers, who are oftentimes actively processing major life events when they dial our number.

Working on the intake team requires tremendous flexibility. Kristen shares, “Every single call is different, and every single circumstance is different. There’s no black and white process; we live in the grey.”

What’s on the horizon for this busy intake team? Kristen hopes to standardize the training process and get the process down on paper in order to build a uniform training process, emphasizing education about the systems the team uses and the insurance companies they deal with. The team is planning a roadshow to the offices in November to present their findings in constructing a standardized training process.

A long-term goal for the intake team is to cultivate a customer service-forward, centralized call center. Moving away from the localized aspect is difficult, but Kristen has faith that her team members will continue to emphasize customer service and personalize the experience for customers. “Whether it’s taking calls in a local office or taking calls in a centralized call center, solid customer service has to be the foundation,” Kristen says.

Such ambitious goals may appear daunting for a small team, but Kristen has complete confidence in her team members. “We all pull together. We all have each other’s backs, and that’s what’s really important.”

Want to learn more about what SERVPRO of Chantilly can do for your home or business? Call us at (703) 830-5800 to talk with one of our team members and check out our Company Profile.

Let Us Get You Fresh And Clean

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

Are the tenants in your commercial building complaining of a musty, unpleasant odor that seems to come and go?  When it’s hot and humid, do the complaints regarding this issue seems to increase? Anyone complaining about headaches, or having allergy type symptoms?  If any or all of these scenarios are occurring at your commercial building, call SERVPRO of Fair Oaks-Centreville-Chantilly today on (703) 830-5800 for a mold assessment.  We will send a team of certified mold remediation experts to  your location to do a thorough inspection to determine if you have mold, and if so, where the source of the problem lies.  Usually, the culprit is water trapped in a hot, humid environment behind walls, in attic areas, behind tiles, etc.  To fully eradicate mold, the water source must be fixed.  Let the SERVPRO experts at Fair Oaks-Centreville-Chantilly take this problem off your plate and get your building mold free and smelling fresh and clean again.  Don’t take a chance of losing your tenants. to a musty mold smell.  Give us a call today on (703) 830-5800.

That's Why We Are Here!

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

Typically, homeowners love their sprinkler systems.  No more ungainly hoses to roll in and out every time the lawn needs watering. No more broken sprinkler heads or twisted hoses lying about the garage.  Just set the automatic timer and forget that you even have a sprinkler system......that is until it leaks and creates problems far more cumbersome then rolling up a twisted hose! Leaks in sprinkler systems are not uncommon and can cause water to seep inside the foundation of your home.  This water, if undetected, can result in damage to floors, carpets, walls, furniture, as well as the onset of mold.

So, enjoy the ease and efficiency of your sprinkler system, just be sure to have it checked and serviced annually to reduce your risk of any malfunctions which may result in water damage.

If water damage does occur, be sure to call in your SERVPRO professionals at SERVPRO of Fair Oaks-Centreville-Chantilly.  We answer your call 24/7. That’s why we’re here!

Don't Let Negligence Cost You Money

8/24/2022 (Permalink)

If you are a commercial real estate broker, building supervisor, investor, or landlord, having your office space filled is your bread and butter.  So why let it sit empty, costing you money, rather than generating revenue. Don't let negligence and being unprepared for weather events jeopardize your livelihood. 

Make sure your buildings are as safe and well maintained as possible.  Throughout the year, check windows and doors for cracks, firm seals, and adequate locks. Foundations should be dry, plumbing in bathrooms, kitchen areas, and break rooms in good functioning order, and electrical systems up to code. Performing these checks on a quarterly basis makes it simple to keep up with.

If Mother Nature throws you a curve ball and storm damage does occur, call your local SERVPRO team for assistance.  SERVPRO of Fair Oaks-Centreville-Chantilly can be on site quickly to mitigate your storm related issues. Call us day or night on (703) 830-5800. to have but be careful!

8/23/2022 (Permalink)

Do you have a chiminea, a fire pit or an outside fireplace at your home?  More and more homeowners are enjoying socializing around a fire……something that not too long ago, other than an old fashion campfire, was restricted to indoor fireplaces or woodburning stoves.  As more homeowners are buying portable fire pits and having outdoor fireplaces built, the need to be vigilant with fire safety is critical.

Common sense rules the day when it comes to fires.  Don’t leave fires unattended, don’t leave them under the guidance of a child, contain the flame so embers do not fly off into dry grass, mulch or rooftops, always extinguish when done, and never throw hot embers into a trash receptacle. Common sense, right?  We all would think so, but every year unintended fires take lives, destroy homes, and damage the land because someone was careless or just simply not thinking.    

So, to keep you loved ones and your home safe from fire while enjoying your patio fireplace, always use common sense and err on the side of caution. 

Should the unfortunate occur, and a fire strike, call SERVPRO of Fair Oaks-Centreville-Chantilly on (703) 830-5800. 

They May Not Be Who You Think They Are!

8/23/2022 (Permalink)

Everyone has heard the adage, “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Keep this in mind during the upcoming fall storm season. Traveling storm chasers may be knocking on your door before you’ve even called your insurance company! Don’t be taken in with the line, “we’re working up the street for one of your neighbors”, or, “we just finished work for the people living a block down the road.” These tactics are used so you think others have vetted these people, have used their services, so therefore they must be fine.  And some traveling storm chasers may be fine workers.  But… you must always go with a reputable company that is licensed, bonded, insured, who employees are trained and certified technicians, and are going to be there for you next week, next month, and next year.  That company is SERVPRO.

With SERVPRO, there are no gimmicks, no smoke and mirrors, no leaving town when the work is still incomplete.  Damage to your home is stressful enough; let us take some of that stress away.  Call SERVPRO of Fair Oaks-Centreville-Chantilly on (703) 830-5800.  We are available 24/7, 365 days a year.   

Unfortunate Fire?....Give SERVPRO a Call

8/23/2022 (Permalink)

Ever find yourself rushing about the kitchen cooking to feed your family, while doing laundry, helping kids with homework, feeding the dog, and answering the phone? Ever wish you had eight arms? If so, you’re not alone.  Most of the time we’re able to juggle the balls in the air, albeit stressful, we still manage to get it all done, while keeping everyone alive and happy!  Unfortunately, there are those rare occasions when things don’t quite work out and instead, a kitchen fire breaks out.  Once your priority of getting everyone to a safe place outside the home has occurred and the fire has been put out, give SERVPRO a call.  We are fire remediation specialists with the training, equipment, and supplies to clean up and get you back to normal.  No more smoke, no more smell, no more fire!  Give SERVPRO of Fair Oaks-Centreville-Chantilly a call today on (703) 830-5800.

What's Going On In My Dryer Vent?

8/15/2022 (Permalink)

Dryer vent fires are really do happen.  They may not be something you hear about much, but they occur more than one may think.  Customers often ask, “how did this happen, I clean out my dryer lint trap all the time?”  And cleaning out the lint trap is a good thing, but only half the equation.  Your car runs on gasoline and needs oil… of the two is not enough.  Same with your dryer.  You need to clean out the lint trap as well as the exhaust hose.  The exhaust hose is the piece of the equation that most people forget and is the main culprit when it comes to dryer related fires.  If you would like to clean the exhaust hose yourself, simply pull the dryer out from the wall, disconnect the venting hose, shake out the big clumps of lint and proceed to vacuum out the hose.  Depending on the amount of dryer use, to be on the safe side, cleaning should be done twice a year.  And never leave your home with the dryer going.

Should you experience a fire due to a clogged dryer vent, call SERVPRO of Fair Oaks-Centreville-Chantilly on (703) 830-5800.  We can be reached 24/7, 365 days a year.